an online introductory course on natural & sacred beekeeping

Are you a new or aspiring beekeeper? Or are you a beekeeper looking to explore an alternative approach and deepen in your relationship and understanding of the bees?

In this course we will explore who the honeybees are and our ancient and sacred relationship with them. We will explore the history of beekeeping from ancient ways to the modernization of beekeeping and the current threats our honeybees are facing. From this we will than explore how to tend to and care for honeybees in a way that honors their true nature and seeks to return them to their wildness and their vitality.

This is not your average beekeeping course.

This course is a deep dive into earth based ancestral wisdom & spiritual ecology through the lens of beekeeping.

The honeybees reveal to us the deep interconnectedness of life on earth.

They are selfless in their service to life and creation.

In their hum we find the wisdom hidden within beauty.

this course includes: 8 pre- recorded lectures, Bonus Pdf’s, & Resources

Cost: $350

An email will be sent with a link to the course page & course handouts after purchasing the course

Course Outline

Pollinating beauty

The Relationship Between Flowers & Bees

the Human-Apian Relationship

The History of Beekeeping from Ancient Ways & Traditions to Modern Day

Cycles & Rhythms of the Hive

Seasonally Managing Your Hive

The Hive Body

Honeybee Biology & The Anatomy of the Hive

Becoming a Beekeeper

Getting Started in this Journey


Holistic & Bee- Centric Practices to Support the Health of the Hive

dreaming with bees

Bees as Messengers Between Worlds & The Myriad of Ways We Can Communicate with Them

Nectar of the Gods

Apitherapy & the Medicines of the Hive

Who is your teacher?

Courtney began her path with the bees in 2011 after experiencing two near death experiences which led her to begin studying with a beekeeper at the age of 18. She has been on a journey with the bees for the past 10 years and has studied and apprenticed with different beekeepers giving her a wide range of perspectives and approaches. She is deeply passionate about rewilding the bees, creating sacred relationship with them, and sharing their wisdom with others.

Tending of the Bees